
mpk 01 June, 2018, 08:07:18

@user-006924 I can see that you are running the hololens demo. This will diplay stimuli in the holo display and calibrate in this space. The calibration will not be correct for the world camera view. If you want to calibrate against this view try the sinble marker or screen marker calibration

user-b91aa6 01 June, 2018, 10:27:44

For calibration, why do we need to send the size? The returned gaze is not from 0 to 1?

Chat image

user-b91aa6 01 June, 2018, 10:27:55

What does the size mean?

user-b91aa6 01 June, 2018, 10:28:09


user-b91aa6 01 June, 2018, 10:28:17


user-d3a1b6 01 June, 2018, 14:05:37

Hi All,

I'm having trouble with HoloLens 3D calibration. I am using Unity 2017.3.0f3 and when I run 2D Calibration Demo with holographic emulation it works fine. However when I do the 3D calibration demo, calibration proceeds normally but when the Sharkman appears it throws an error and Unity execution pauses. The error is in the next post.

I did some digging and it looks like the error is caused by UDPCommunication.cs. Specifically the InterpreteUDPData and FloatArrayFromPacket functions. During 2D calibration the length of the byte array received from UDP is consistently 12 (4 bytes for an informational header, and 8 bytes for the 2D gaze position – split into 2 four byte floats). However, during 3D calibration the length of the byte array is most often 17 and sometimes 16.

16 bytes would make sense (4 byte header, and 12 bytes for the 3D gaze position – split into 3 four byte floats). When the byte array’s length is 17 it throws this error because parsing and converting the byte array fails in FloatArrayFromPacket. For now I’ve coded a workaround that gets the project to compile. It tests whether the byte length is 16 or 17 and changes the offset parameter of FloatArrayFromPacket to 5 if length=17 (treating the 5th byte as part of the header). Obviously this workaround isn’t ideal. Is this a bug with the HoloLens relay plugin? I’m not sure why the byte array should be switching between length = 16 and 17. Thanks for any help in fixing this issue.

user-d3a1b6 01 June, 2018, 14:06:11
ArgumentException: Destination array is not long enough to copy all the items in the collection. Check array index and length.
System.BitConverter.PutBytes (System.Byte* dst, System.Byte[] src, Int32 start_index, Int32 count) (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/mono/build/mcs/class/corlib/System/BitConverter.cs:182)
System.BitConverter.ToSingle (System.Byte[] value, Int32 startIndex) (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/mono/build/mcs/class/corlib/System/BitConverter.cs:276)
UDPCommunication.FloatArrayFromPacket (System.Byte[] data, Int32 offset) (at Assets/pupil_plugin/Scripts/Networking/UDPCommunication.cs:289)
UDPCommunication.InterpreteUDPData (System.Byte[] data) (at Assets/pupil_plugin/Scripts/Networking/UDPCommunication.cs:254)
UDPCommunication+<Listen>c__AnonStorey0.<>m__0 () (at Assets/pupil_plugin/Scripts/Networking/UDPCommunication.cs:145)
UDPCommunication.Update () (at Assets/pupil_plugin/Scripts/Networking/UDPCommunication.cs:188)
user-006924 01 June, 2018, 14:09:11

@mpk Is the angular accuracy that I get through pupil capture is also for the world camera view or is it for the holo display?

user-d754f8 08 June, 2018, 09:45:56

Hello @user-e04f56. Like @user-aa0833, I do not receive any blink mesages in the blink demo (using 1.7 of the pupil service). Normal pupil messages work fine.

mpk 08 June, 2018, 09:50:02

@user-006924 that depends on the calibration and test setup.

user-006924 08 June, 2018, 13:35:36

@mpk by calibration you mean 2D or 3D? I don't think I quite understand what you mean by test setup..

mpk 08 June, 2018, 13:41:10

@user-006924 are you calibrating using a marker or using the hmd eyes routine?

user-006924 08 June, 2018, 13:42:13

I'm using the hmd eyes routine

user-8779ef 12 June, 2018, 17:31:11

Hey @papr Any idea how to get at the HMD distortion mesh stored in the firmware?

user-8779ef 12 June, 2018, 17:31:29

...when using an HTC VIve. I've seen some helpful tools on OSVR...

papr 12 June, 2018, 20:29:55

@user-8779ef nope. :/

user-a6a5f2 12 June, 2018, 21:46:39

@user-8779ef it might be worth stepping through Oliver Kreylos' VRUI. His LensCorrector appears to load a distortion mesh. Perhaps you can write the texture out to a file???? https://github.com/Doc-Ok/Vrui/blob/b9333e7b8b44a535f25a6e9b0c82f72b7ed7ebfa/Vrui/Internal/LensCorrector.cpp

user-58d5ae 13 June, 2018, 15:57:58

Hello, for some reason after calibrating (2D) in my Hololens and opening my scene, it's not as near as precise as with the Pupil Capture GUI on PC. Also, the gaze constanstly twitches, if I don't move my eyes it will appear a bit to the left then a bit to the right for example. Any ideas ? I should note that I get the gaze data from ZeroMQ rather than UDP, would you think it's a better solution ?

user-8779ef 13 June, 2018, 18:04:59

@user-a6a5f2 Thanks very much for the suggestion!

user-a6a5f2 13 June, 2018, 18:55:28

@user-8779ef sure. We are leaning towards buying the vive add-on. Do you know the fov of the eye cameras? We want to get a sense of the range needed for eye relief/z distance to handle different sized eyes (looks like roughly 30mm to 40mm is the range of width for adult eyes)

user-8779ef 13 June, 2018, 18:57:00

The depth of field on the 120 Hz cams is quite poor, and I find that the optimal eye location for a good pupil image is often outside of the eye box required by the Vive's optics.

user-8779ef 13 June, 2018, 18:57:48

The 200 hz cams are a huge improvement in that regard (have a much larger depth of field).

user-8779ef 13 June, 2018, 18:57:57

...however, PLabs has not yet released the 200 Hz integratin.

user-a6a5f2 13 June, 2018, 18:58:00

Do you know what is max distance on Vive eye relief adjustment?

user-a6a5f2 13 June, 2018, 18:58:11

Yes, we may wait for the 200 version

user-8779ef 13 June, 2018, 18:58:29

I don't, sorry. Know that the max distance is going to result in some very poor images on the vive. Unusable.

user-8779ef 13 June, 2018, 18:58:39

Are you familiar with the concept of the "eye box?"

user-a6a5f2 13 June, 2018, 18:59:00

yes, Oliver Kreylos has nice analysis showing peak viewing for Vive is at 8mm z distance

user-8779ef 13 June, 2018, 18:59:11

Yes, he does, doesn't he. He's a great reference.

user-a6a5f2 13 June, 2018, 18:59:16

at 25mm, there is 25% loss of fov of vive imagery

user-8779ef 13 June, 2018, 18:59:44

...but, more importantly, eye will no longer be near to the focal point of the optics, and the image will be very blurry.

user-8779ef 13 June, 2018, 18:59:51

That's a larger issue than the loss of FOV.

user-a6a5f2 13 June, 2018, 18:59:58

makes sense

user-a6a5f2 13 June, 2018, 19:00:13

we are thinking of using the vive add-on in a different device

user-a6a5f2 13 June, 2018, 19:00:19

not vive

user-a6a5f2 13 June, 2018, 19:00:33

not even an hmd

user-8779ef 13 June, 2018, 19:00:36

Ah, Ok. ... keep in mind that it is specifically made to snap into the vive. The shape is very particular.

user-a6a5f2 13 June, 2018, 19:01:13

yes, looks like shape will work, just trying to engineer the eye relief, to confirm that it's compatible with our current hw design

user-a6a5f2 13 June, 2018, 19:01:45

have emailed pupil with fov question

user-8779ef 13 June, 2018, 19:01:54

Ok! Good luck.

user-a6a5f2 13 June, 2018, 19:01:56

they seem fairly responsive

user-8779ef 13 June, 2018, 19:01:59

they are.

user-a6a5f2 13 June, 2018, 19:01:59


user-8779ef 13 June, 2018, 19:02:29


wrp 13 June, 2018, 20:31:23

Hi @user-a6a5f2 we got your email. Sorry a bit of a backlog at the moment - but will try to respond tomorrow

user-a6a5f2 13 June, 2018, 20:32:05

Thanks, @wrp. That's fine.

user-006924 14 June, 2018, 14:28:16

Hi everyone, Does anyone know whether the accuracy results I get in pupil capture are for the calibration I do on the holo display or not?

user-006924 14 June, 2018, 16:31:34

I'm not sure if I'm calculating visual angle correctly but using the definition of visual angle and angular accuracy in Pupil Capture, I'm calculate the distance between where the gaze point should be (location of the target) and where the gaze point is(dist1), and the distance between the plane where the target is and the main camera(dist2) and I plug it in this formula --> visual angle = 2arctan(dist1/2dist2)

user-006924 14 June, 2018, 16:32:08

I'm using the raycasting code of the 2D market scene in the HoleLens

user-006924 14 June, 2018, 16:32:52

The angular accuracy that I get is very different than the one shown in the accuracy visualizer in the Pupil Capture plugin.

user-006924 14 June, 2018, 16:33:48

Can anyone help me out with this issue?

user-24270f 15 June, 2018, 03:34:30

so i tried a usb3.0 extension cable so that i could actually reach the computer, and it wouldnt work. take it out, use the supplied cable only. now it works. so i bought this thing and the supplied cable is not actually long enough to reach the PC. what gives? using a htc vive, so the vive HMD connection is usb-c but the provided cable has the standard usb port end so it must go back to the pc. has anyone got it working with a specific brand of usb extension cable?

user-24270f 15 June, 2018, 03:34:46

vive pro*

mpk 15 June, 2018, 04:11:30

@user-24270f you can get a USB c-c cable in plug the eye tracker directly into the vide pro. The alternative of longer cables usually works. But not all cables do :-(

user-24270f 15 June, 2018, 04:12:32


user-006924 15 June, 2018, 11:09:23

@user-24270f one of the Pupil Labs members suggested the cables in the link below. I tried them and they do work but they are not that long either. You can check whether the brand makes longer cables. https://www.amazon.com/CHOETECH-Charging-Syncing-Nintendo-ChromeBook/dp/B0176BSAWU

user-b91aa6 15 June, 2018, 14:02:30

May I ask that for 3D gaze position, we get a 3D gaze position from left eye, we also get a 3D gaze position for right eye. How do you get only one 3D gaze position in 3D VR Demo?@papr@mpk

papr 15 June, 2018, 14:41:19

@user-b91aa6 We use the average

user-b91aa6 15 June, 2018, 14:46:47

Another problem is that I find the 3D gaze position for left eye is stable but the 3D gaze position for right eye jumps a lot. I checked both the calibraion process, the 3D eye tracking model performs well, what't the reason for this?@papr

user-ed61d7 18 June, 2018, 04:04:37

Hi everyone,

user-ed61d7 18 June, 2018, 04:06:15

I'm trying to add a pupil manager prefab to my scene in unity. The developer doc says:

user-ed61d7 18 June, 2018, 04:06:20

"If you use the prefab for your own scene, please specify the scene/scenes you want to load in the Inspector GUI for Pupil Manager

Add the name to the Available Scenes list"

user-ed61d7 18 June, 2018, 04:06:57

But I couldn't find the Available Scenes list. Any idea where it can be found?

user-ed61d7 18 June, 2018, 04:07:48

Screenshot of the inspector of Pupil Manager prefab

Chat image

user-ed61d7 18 June, 2018, 04:07:57

Thanks in advance!

user-58d5ae 18 June, 2018, 09:14:13

Which version of HMD-eyes do you have ?

user-babd94 19 June, 2018, 02:16:53

Hi everyone, I tried to pupil capture's calibration, and calibration screen was displayed. but, it sound of alert with executed and it is not proceed. My hardware don't have world camera, is it related to that?

user-d3a1b6 19 June, 2018, 20:09:01

@user-ed61d7 The way I got this to work was to drag all the game objects in the scene (including main camera) into the the "game objects to enable" list

user-d3a1b6 19 June, 2018, 20:09:42

after calibration the game objects in the list will be set active and the scene will render as normal with gaze tracking active

user-d3a1b6 19 June, 2018, 20:18:00

the 3D pupil detector is supposed to enable slippage compensation (through model refitting). I've been using it with the HoloLens which is prone to slippage. However, it doesn't seem to work well. Even with mild slippage (ex. jaw clenching, yawning) the calibration goes out of wack and doesn't recover in HoloLens apps. Anyone have this issue and have insight?

user-cd9cff 19 June, 2018, 20:27:15

@user-babd94 Pupil systems relies on the world camera in order to calibrate;

user-24270f 20 June, 2018, 03:13:41

has anyone here looked at removing the htc vive lenses and replacing them with superior gear VR lenses, to get rid of that fresnel lens edge blurring? https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2837804

user-24270f 20 June, 2018, 03:14:02

3d printed adapter makes it slot in really easily apparently. it looks like pupil labs eye trackers will still fit, but i cant be sure

user-babd94 20 June, 2018, 06:16:33

@user-cd9cff Thanks. I bought Moverio Add-on, but it did not contain world camera. I will wait for world camera arrives.

user-ed61d7 21 June, 2018, 02:12:25

@user-58d5ae I downloaded Pupil.Import.Package.HoloLens.unitypackage v0.5.1

user-ed61d7 21 June, 2018, 02:34:50

@user-d3a1b6 I tried it, but it didn't work for me 😭 I guess it may be because that I'm using an ARCamera instead of a normal main camera?

user-ed61d7 21 June, 2018, 02:59:17

And just to specify that I'm only using the eye cameras to monitor pupil diameters, not really for gaze tracking at the moment.

user-ed61d7 21 June, 2018, 03:38:05

Or is it because I'm building a VS solution and deploying to Hololens, but HMD-eyes only works by remote emulation in unity?

user-ed61d7 21 June, 2018, 06:29:58

I'm working with Vuforia&HoloLens

user-58d5ae 21 June, 2018, 09:57:42

I had the same problem as you @user-ed61d7, the link in the readme links to an old version. Download the master directly and it will be there.

user-7bf7f5 21 June, 2018, 13:32:46

So, recently started using the Pupil Cameras with the HTC VIVE, everything appears to work expect that it never recognizes any scene .exe's other than calibration. Is there a way to see what the eyes are looking at inside of an executable? I have the capture selection setting set to Local USB. Any tips?

mpk 21 June, 2018, 13:34:14

@user-7bf7f5 I assume you have tried the demoes from here: https://github.com/pupil-labs/hmd-eyes/blob/master/README.md ?

user-7bf7f5 21 June, 2018, 13:34:49

Yes, that was the calibration scene.

user-7bf7f5 21 June, 2018, 13:35:49

I just cannot get the pupil capture to display what the HTC VIVE is seeing is the issue. The only thing that did work was the calibration scene.

mpk 21 June, 2018, 13:36:27

@user-7bf7f5 ah ok. Pupil Capture does not display the vive stream. Instead we report the gaze data in the unity3d plugin.

user-7bf7f5 21 June, 2018, 13:37:28

Ah! Thank you.

user-7bf7f5 21 June, 2018, 14:18:26

I'm sorry, would you mind clarifying is this Unity3d Plugin for Unity or for Pupil Capture and also where to obtain it or is it pre-installed

mpk 21 June, 2018, 14:18:45

@user-7bf7f5 this plugin is for unity3d

user-7bf7f5 21 June, 2018, 14:33:41


user-006924 21 June, 2018, 14:47:51

@user-ed61d7 Have you tried with doing the calibration scene in the shark demo folder instead of the plugin and then adding you own scene in the pupil manager instead of the shark 2D scene?

user-4b5226 24 June, 2018, 01:50:00

@user-5ca684 hi Kornel , can you pls assist with calibration using htc vive pro

user-ed61d7 24 June, 2018, 05:11:51

Hi @user-58d5ae , I did what you said and the option is there now. Thanks! And did you manage to add the prefab to your scene to make it load first? Is it okay just to add the name of the scene in the list and set the current scene index to 0?

user-ed61d7 24 June, 2018, 06:10:52

@user-58d5ae @user-006924 It works fine now. I added my scene to the pupilmanager prefab in the calibration scene provided in the master brach. Thank you both very much!

user-2feb34 25 June, 2018, 09:32:53

Hi guys! Is there any neat way to integrate pupil-labs with UE4 using Vive? I saw there is instruction for unity. Do you have something similar for UE4?

wrp 25 June, 2018, 09:33:32

@user-2feb34 there are some members of the community that are/were working on UnrealEngine support. However, I do not know how far along they are and/or if they are still working on this.

user-2feb34 25 June, 2018, 09:34:15

Ah, ok. So there is no official supprot for UE?

wrp 25 June, 2018, 09:34:47

@user-2feb34 that is correct - hmd-eyes only targets Unity3d at this time

wrp 25 June, 2018, 09:35:17

it is the only official framework supported for VR/AR development with Pupil

user-2feb34 25 June, 2018, 09:37:05


wrp 25 June, 2018, 10:01:00

welcome @user-2feb34

user-006924 25 June, 2018, 16:09:12

Hey everyone, Does anybody know if this "PupilData._2D.RightEyePosition" is the correct way to access position of the right pupil in pixels in the eye camera feed? I'm getting (0,0) for some reason.

mpk 25 June, 2018, 18:44:24

@user-006924 I think this is right (?) did you make sure that Pupil reports decent confidence?

user-006924 25 June, 2018, 20:20:26

@mpk I was not recording at that point and I thought it's similar to gaze data that I have access to without recording in pupil Labs. Should I record in order to gain access?

user-e5aab7 25 June, 2018, 20:21:59

I am trying to use the unity plugin with another device on the network doing the eyetracking. I am using remote settings but its not picking up the other device, any advice ?

user-049a7f 25 June, 2018, 21:39:44

Does pupil unity plugin currently only work with version 1.4.1? or is that the plugin version? in PupilSettings on Unity the pupil version is labeled as 1.4.1 but I am using 1.7.71, I have tried to change it but nothing happens

user-988d86 26 June, 2018, 15:21:44

Hi all--we are using Pupil Labs cameras inside of a Vive Pro. I'm trying to find the optimal settings for Pupil Labs--the settings for things that you can't necessarily change within the user interface but can change using msgpack. I'm curious as to if anyone else has spent time figuring out what the best settings are within the VR environment.

For reference, we are using msgpack to read the settings found at /pupil_capture_settings/user_settings_eye0

user-8779ef 26 June, 2018, 15:23:49

@user-988d86 Its worth nothing that everything is also accessible through the source code, which is open source. If you want some insight into how specific variables affect things ,you can actually look at the code/algorithms that they affect.

user-988d86 26 June, 2018, 15:30:55

Thanks @user-8779ef we are also going through everything ourselves, but I thought I'd check in to see if anyone else had already figured out some of this.

user-988d86 26 June, 2018, 15:43:19

In addition to my above question, we have noticed a regular problem where Pupil will read eye values from the cameras even if nobody is wearing the headset/no eyes are present. Has anyone else noticed this problem, and does anyone know of a solution?

user-8779ef 26 June, 2018, 19:40:53

@user-988d86 Are the confidence values any good? I can imagine that the eye tracker accidentally finds a pupil in the noise ...especially if your gain is up high, but the confidence value should be junk.

user-d3a1b6 26 June, 2018, 20:05:21

I would like to use the 3d pupil detector with 2d calibration in the hololens. The 3d detector is supposed to permit "slippage compensation" (https://github.com/pupil-labs/pupil-docs/blob/master/user-docs/pupil-capture.md#pupil-detection). However, when I set up Pupil capture with a 3d detector and run my hololens app with 2d calibration, the app resets Pupil Capture to the 2d detector (via the Hololens relay). Is there a way to use the 3d pupil detector with 2d calibration in the hololens?

mpk 27 June, 2018, 06:37:20

@user-988d86 you will get false positives sometimes when the headset is not worn. However they should be few and usually below 0.8.

user-049a7f 27 June, 2018, 15:37:51

Do we need to install any dependencies when eye tracking remotely on the machine using Unity? I am having trouble establishing a connection, I have a Pi doing the eye tracking (slow for now) and a machine with Unity running the calibration.unity .

user-049a7f 27 June, 2018, 16:15:28

Has anyone made a tutorial for setting up the dev environment for unity applications remotely? I having a lot of trouble getting pupil to connect and I think It may be because I am doing something wrong

user-58d5ae 28 June, 2018, 11:31:46

I use Unity and Pupil on the same machine, and I have no issues, can you elaborate ?

user-4b5226 28 June, 2018, 16:53:02

https://github.com/pupil-labs/hmd-eyes/releases/tag/v0.5.1 download the VR unity package, connect HMD (vive/ocu) & pupil add-ons to the laptop & calibration should flow smoothly from there. As Tonzofdamage requested, can you pls elab ?

user-049a7f 29 June, 2018, 20:19:18

User error I have it figured out now, I didn't realize the Pi uses a different IP format than the windows device I was running unity from

user-a6a5f2 29 June, 2018, 23:14:27

Aside from minimizing obscuration of the subject's view, what are some of the advantages to placing eye tracking camera below rather than say to the left or right of the eye? It seems to be a very common placement across many products. Do you get less interference from the lenses on eye glasses, for example?

End of June archive